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Our Church Service & Sunday School are CANCELED for Sunday, February 16th.
The Annual Meeting is postponed for Sunday, February 16, 2025.
The next Senior Luncheon will be hosted by the Migliaccio Family on Tuesday, February 11th, at noon. In case there is inclimate weather, the luncheon will be the next day.
Sign-up sheet posted.
Click the Donate Now button above to connect with our
on-line giving.
The Clothing Shed is open.
Please place donations in bags and tie them.
We accept all soft goods: clothing, shoes, blankets, curtains, towels, etc.
Thank you
The BOOK BIN has been placed in the lower parking lot, next to the Clothing Bin. Help us recycle your unneeded books and get them into hands that can use them and keep them out of landfills!
The Food Pantry is open Wednesday, February 19th 9A - Noon and Sunday, February 23rd for our church family and friends following our service. Thank you for the canned tuna collection in January! We will be collecting cereal in February.
TUNE IN to Television Channel 3 (WFSB) or you may check our Facebook page or this
website, or call the office
(860 887-4647). A message
will be announced on the answering machine.
When Sunday School is
cancelled, church is NOT CANCELLED unless specifically
announced. We have been assured that when we post on Channel 3, they notify all the local radio stations.
Are you receiving our email newsletter?
Please send an email to the church office at to let us know that you would like to be added to the email mailing list. Thank You and Welcome!
The newsletter has returned to a monthly newsletter.
Contact Us
Preston City Congregational Church
321 Route 164
Preston, CT 06365
Office: (860) 886-7200
Phone: (860) 887-4647
Fax: (860) 887-4647
Office hours are 9A -12P, M-F
"Where Friends
Sunday Worship: 9:30A
We are handicap accessible.
Click on the icon above for live webstreaming of our worship service and a viewable archive of past services!
Website contact: