General Information
THE PRESTON CITY CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH has stood proudly “on this grassy knoll” at the intersection of Routes 164 and 165 since 1698.
For 325 years, people have gathered in this place for worship, fellowship, and outreach --- to the community and the world!
You are invited to become an active part of the church family, joining us in our many programs and activities. They are designed to promote a better understanding of ourselves and the God we serve.
Many of the following programs are paused due to the Corona Virus pandemic. Please check the newsletter for updates.
9:30 AM
Sunday School
9:15 AM
First Sundays - Communion Sunday is observed in Dudek Hall
All other Sundays - Students of all ages will meet in Dudek Hall before heading to their classrooms
CONFIRMATION CLASS is available for students in grades 9 and up. Young people interested in joining the church and becoming voting members must complete this course which is taught by the Minister. The class meets on Monday evening from 6:30 – 7:30 PM. Location to be determined.
NURSERY CARE is available for infant children up to age 3, during the 9:30 AM service. The Nursery is located on the mid-level beside the rest rooms. Follow the signs!
The church Nursery open for the 9 AM service. The number of children allowed in the room will be limited. Text (860.710.1262) or email ( the DRE by Thursday. If no one registers, the Nursery will not be staffed.
A YOUTH MISSIONS TRIP takes place each summer. High school young people, registered and actively involved in the Sunday School are invited to participate in this week-long event that helps people in need in nearby states. Contact Scott & Lisa Van Alst (860.230.9947), or the church office for all the details. PAUSED
A COFFEE HOUR is held in Halls’ Hall (downstairs) following each worship service. We hope you will join us for refreshment and conversation.
REST ROOMS are located in Halls’ Hall and accessible rest rooms are located on the lower and mid-level floors of the education wing.
AN ELEVATOR connects all three floors of the church building.
Accessible Parking spaces are available in the upper and lower parking areas.
BIBLE STUDY & DISCUSSION GROUPS are offered at various times throughout the year. See the worship folder & newsletter for classes being offered.
A.A. THE BIG BOOK meets on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 P.M. in Dudek Hall (Sunday School Room).
Trish Maerkle is our church organist and choir director. She is responsible for arranging all music for Sunday morning worship. Our music programs include:
THE ADULT CHOIR meets on Thursday evening from 7 – 8:00 PM. They sing at the service on Sunday morning at 9:30 AM. New voices are welcome! The choir will be on their summer break starting the first Sunday in June. Special music will be provided throughout the summer.
THE CHILDREN’S CHOIR rehearses in Room #13 from 10 – 10:25 A.M. on Sunday morning. Children in grades 2 through 6 are welcome to participate. The choir sings at the morning services numerous times throughout the year. PAUSED
THE HAND BELL CHOIR meets on Monday nights at 6:00 in room 6-8. The bells play during the morning worship services numerous times throughout the year. New ringers are always welcome!
THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM is celebrated during the morning worship services. Arrangements should be made by contacting the church office.
THE SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMMUNION is offered to children (Grades 3 – 8) in Dudek hall each month. Lisa Van Alst and members of the Diaconate lead the service and serve the
THE SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMMUNION is observed on the first Sunday of every month. Adults and children, who profess a Faith in Jesus
Christ are welcome at the Table.
NEW MEMBERS are usually received into the church in the spring and fall. People desiring to unite with the church are required to meet with the Diaconate prior to joining. Watch for the date and time in the newsletter and worship folder.
TO PLACE FLOWERS upon the altar in memory of, or, in celebration of someone, please sign the flower chart located on the mid-level bulletin board. Be sure to fill out the form beside the chart and place it in the envelope to the left of the chart, in the offering plate, or give it to a Flower Committee member.
As of December 2020, please call the church office to make arrangements to place flowers on the altar.
OFFERING ENVELOPES are available upon request. Please contact the church office.
GREETERS AND USHERS are needed on Sunday morning. If you wish to serve as a greeter or usher, please contact Benicia Perry (376-6474).
“Where Friends Become Family”
Sandy Dudek, Administrative Assistant
Lisa Van Alst, Director of Religious Education
Trish Maerkle, Organist & Choir Director
Sandra Wright, Faith Community Nurse
Lisa Alder, Custodian
(860) 887-4647, (860) 886-7200
FAX (860) 887-4647
Visit us on FACEBOOK
Watch the Sunday Service on the Web:, then
click the Live Stream button.
Church Office Hours
Monday – Friday, 9:00 AM – 12:00 Noon
Wednesday evenings by appointment
1698 - 2023
The memorial in the garden at the annex was dedicated on November 12th and
the winning slogan was announced:
"Gathering in Faith since 1698".
Join us as we celebrate throughout the coming year!
Saturday, October 5th
Walking Tour of the
Preston City Cemetery
10A - 11:30A
History of William H. Doane
Famous Hymn Writer
Noon - 1P
Preston City
Congregational Church
325th Anniversary
Open House & Tour
1P - 2:30P
Sept. 11 - Fall Festival '25 Meeting
Sept.14 - Women's Fellowship
Sept. 15 - All Church Meeting
Sept. 28 - Yard Sale
Sept. 29 - New Members
Members & Friends:
The Clothing Shed is open.
Please place donations in bags and tie them.
We accept all soft goods: clothing, shoes, blankets, curtains, towels, etc.
Thank you
The BOOK BIN has been placed in the lower parking lot, next to the Clothing Bin. Help us recycle your unneeded books and get them into hands that can use them and keep them out of landfills!
The Food Pantry is open Wednesday, September 18th 9A - Noon and Sunday, September 22nd for our church family and friends following our service.
TUNE IN to Television Channel 3 (WFSB) or you may check our Facebook page or this
website, or call the office
(860 887-4647). A message
will be announced on the answering machine.
When Sunday School is
cancelled, church is NOT CANCELLED unless specifically
announced. We have been assured that when we post on Channel 3, they notify all the local radio stations.
Click the Donate Now button above to connect with our
on-line giving.
Are you receiving our email newsletter?
Please send an email to the church office at to let us know that you would like to be added to the email mailing list. Thank You and Welcome!
The newsletter has returned to a monthly newsletter.
Contact Us
Preston City Congregational Church
321 Route 164
Preston, CT 06365
Office: (860) 886-7200
Phone: (860) 887-4647
Fax: (860) 887-4647
Office hours are 9A -12P, M-F
"Where Friends
Sunday Worship: 9:30A
We are handicap accessible.
Click on the icon above for live webstreaming of our worship service and a viewable archive of past services!
Website contact: